Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

Make Up by Luna Cagnazzo

Hello everyone

My sister (Luna Cagnazzo: click here for her Instagram, click here for her twitter) is doing a school for graduate as a  professional make  up artist. On Thursday I had the opportunity to go as a model so that she could try some sort of tutorials out.
Every time she takes someone with her as a model they has a theme for doing the make up.
This time there wasn't a particular theme, it was like a repetition day so every artist needed to choose where/on which theme they don't feel 100% safe so that they can practice a bit on that.
My sister decided to practice on doing red lips, smokey eyes and 50 years kind of style. Also they needed to do manicure.
And they learned the cat eyes. :)

I don't have any pictures where she does my make up but, we did a lot of pictures before, in the pauses and after. So here they are, without any particular sequence.....enjoy! :)


  1. Your sister has real skills. I always try, but I end up look like a clown *cries*.
    Neriah | My Life In A Tab

    1. I'm also a mess but I'm lucky to have her as my sister! Haha



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